Continuing the Conversation Benton Harbor House of David

Continuing the Conversation Benton Harbor House of David #Cult #Michigan #Religion #HouseofDavid #History #Baseball

Continuing the conversation Eloise Mental Hospital

Continuing the Eloise Mental Hospital. Check out Aerial views and old drawings of the Mental Hospital. #Michiganandothermayhem #Murder #Mayhem #EloiseMentalHospital #Asylum #Poorhouse

Continuing the Conversation Bath School Massacre

Continuing the Conversation Bath School Massacre. Before and after photo’s of the home and school. #Michiganandothermayhem #Murder #bombing #SchoolBombing #womenpodcasters

Continuing the Conversation Tyler Hardy, Missing Child

Continuing the Conversation: Tyler Hardy. Ex girlfriend lied about having a child to get revenge on ex boyfriend. #michiganandothermayhem #missingchild #revenge

Kelly Cochran and the Benton Harbor House of David

Kelly Cochran kills husband and lover. Neighbors believe they ate murdered men at BBQ. Benton Harbor House of David Cult established in 1903

Disappearance of David Tyll and Brian Ognjan, and How to Survive a Serial Killer

The disappearance of David Tyll and Brian Ognjan, and How to Survive a Serial Killer

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